About Us!
How We Met
We met on the internet! We truly do not remember exactly how we stumbled onto each other, but we did. Brian would message me anytime he would see me online, but I was always busy and he says I ignored him for about the first 4 months. Sorry sweetie-pie. We finally met on Christmas Eve, 2000, the coldest night of the entire year. Little did we know then that our cold nights were over.

Our Engagement Story
Brian had originally planned to ask me to marry him when we were on RAGBRAI, but that didn't happen because I had started a new job and wasn't able to get the time off. So instead, he proposed to me while we were camping. We were in the tent, laying side by side. He looked so deep in thought, and when I asked him what was on his mind, he popped the question! When we told the girls, their first comment was "Can we go by Johnson after you get married?" Brian had tried to get me up to the lookout tower to propose there, but I guess he couldn't wait that long!

Brian and Laura Johnson
P.O. Box 493
Spencer, Iowa 51301

Web Site:

Keep coming back often to see new pictures and hear updates on our life!