The ceremony....
These pictures were taken by Laura's brother Stan and our daughter Betsy. Thanks you two!

The Amphitheater where we vowed to cherish one another for the rest of our lives

This is the chauffeur-driven transportation! Thanks Ben & Johnnie!

This is the path leading down to the ampitheather, the reason why we needed a golf cart for transportation!

During the ceremony

Our vows to love and cherish each other forever....

Brian surprised the girls by saying vows to them to be a good father and giving them each a little ring as a symbol of his love for them.

All the candles stayed lit the entire ceremony! We handmade our family unity candle and also a memorial candle in honor of those who couldn't be with us today for one reason or another.

It's a good thing we had a couple of firemen there! Brian and Ben didn't have to put anything out but the sleeve of Katie's dress got awfully close to the flame!

Brian and Laura giving a rose to Grandma Thora, another surprise we hadn't told anyone about in our ceremony!

Brian talking with Laura during "Amazed" by Lonestar, one of their 3 wedding songs.

The wedding party....Bridget, Laura, Brian & Ben along with Pastor Mike

About to make our escape...see Bridget clapping in the background? I think she thought I was NEVER going to find the right man.

a Hug for the world's best dad (and father-in-law) after the ceremony

The reception area was decorated beautifully by Margo DeHaas & Joni Fisher, thanks you two for all the hard work!

Katie turned around to hand me my piece of cake so fast that she ended up getting the cake all over my wedding rings!

Katie with her Godmother Bridget

Kathy signing our Quilt that Jolene will be making for us

Bridget caught my bouquet! Go Bridget!

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