San Diego and Super Bowl Photos

These are pictures from our trip to San Diego for the Super Bowl!
San Diego is so beautiful, these photos absolutely can not do it justice. We are actually considering relocating there when we retire.

This is one of my favorite pictures of us together.

This pic was taken by a nice lady who walked by and offered...she is formerly from Iowa. The location is Coronado Beach and we wish we could have spent alot more time there!
Brian, Laura & Gabriella
This was taken at the Saint Louis-Lambert airport while we were there for the flight layover. Gabriella is the little girl of a very special friend of mine.
I won this trip from my employer, what a surprise!
Katie holding our Super Bowl Tickets. Brian took pictures of the airline tickets too, if you want to see those let me know.
Notice the palm trees in the background?
This is truly Heaven on earth!
Me in the OCEAN!
It was fun feeling the sand being pulled out from under our feet as the tide went out.
One of our "tourist" things....
This is a Land and Sea Adventure Vehicle and we had a blast! The tour guide was Kerri and the driver was "Otter Bob". He actually looked like an otter, teeth were very odd. lol
Our adventure took us all around San Diego
including down the streets and also right smack dab into Mission Bay and San Diego Bay!

Check for pics from our next adventure, coming up in March!